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  • In which places we deliver?
    We deliver all over India.
  • Is Cash on Demand (CoD) facility available.
    At the moment we are not offering Cash on Delivery option.
  • A product that I need is not listed. What should I do?
    Please contact us via the phone or email or Whatsapp with the details of the product that you need. We will respond within the next 24 hours.
  • Do you have a Refer and Earn option?
    We are working on it and we will let you know as soon we have this offer available.
  • Do we deliver to International destinations
    At the moment, we are not delivering to international destinations.
  • Products were delivered in a damaged condition or it is was not sealed properly when I recieved it. What should I do
    We apologise if you recieved products in a damaged or not sealed properly. We work with great care to ensure products are sent to you correctly. In the unfortunate event of you recieving products in a damaged condition or not sealed properly, please refer to our Returns section for process to be used
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